
Fright Fest 2014 (1p! X Reader X 2p!Hetalia)

Deviation Actions

xXSilveretteRoseXx's avatar

Literature Text


You opened your eyes groggily, yawning as you sat up, blinking.

“Good afternoon, Sleeping Beauty.”

“Shut up….” You rubbed your (e/c) eyes and yawned again. “Are we there yet?”

“About five minutes away,” Arthur replied, shifting a little.

You and Arthur, as well as Alfred, Francis, Matthew, Antonio, Lovino, Feliciano, Ludwig, Gilbert, Kiku, Ivan, and Yao, were on your way to Six Flags Fright Fest 2014 in Saint Louis, Missouri. Alfred had been pretty insistent on that one in particular, so you had literally taken a long car ride there in order to grant his wish. You were sitting on Arthur’s lap, squished illegally together in the first row of the black Chevy SUV with Matthew, Alfred, Feliciano, and Lovino. The second row behind you had Francis, Antonio, Ivan, Kiku, and Yao. Ludwig was in the passenger seat, and Gilbert was driving.

You went to stretch, then became aware of arms around your middle, and they tightened as you moved. Arthur pulled you closer, then hissed quietly when Alfred suddenly moved over and threw an arm around you as well. “Piss off, arsehole,” he growled softly.

“Nah.” Alfred responded, and tugged you out of Arthur’s grip and into his own. You let out a small squeal on accident, but neither heard you, as both were pulling you in opposite directions, arguing back and forth on whose lap deserved you more. You couldn’t help but snicker at their stupid argument, then you crawled out of Alfred’s lap and both boys’ grip, politely moved past Matthew, and sat in Feliciano’s instead.

“Feli~” You cooed, and snuggled with the younger of the Vargas Brothers instead.  

“(Name)~” He sang back, and hugged you to him closely.

“Dammit, idiota, move over!” Lovino snapped, frowning at the two of you.

“Jealous?” You mocked, grinning as Lovino’s face flushed a deep red.

“N-No, dammit!” He growled, crossing his arms and looking away, out the window.

You chuckled while Feli giggled a bit. You opened your mouth to say something, but Gilbert suddenly called, “We’re here!”

You and Feli exchanged huge smiles and you jumped into Lovino’s lap, pressing your face against the window. “R-Ragazza!” Lovino stuttered, but you ignored him, instead choosing to stare out the window in wonder. You’d never been to Six Flags’ Fright Fest before, so seeing the six country/state flags replaced with orange and black was a bit of a surprise. Beaming, you turned to look at everyone else in the SUV.

“I love you guys so much.”

“We know,” they chorused back in their various accents.

“That nap did her well, didn’t it?” Arthur muttered. “She’s in a better mood already….”

You didn’t hear him, as you were too hypnotized by the huge roller coaster you could see, even though you hadn’t even entered the park yet. “Which one is that?” You asked, pointing at it.

“OMIGOSH DUDETTE!” Alfred suddenly unbuckled his seatbelt, jumped over Matthew, and landed on you, Lovino, and Feliciano. “THAT’S BATMAN! THE COOLEST FREAKING RIDE EVER!” He and you began to fangirl over all of the rides while Arthur rubbed his temples and Matthew plugged his ears. Feliciano started to cry as Alfred crushed him, and Lovino was shouting Italian profanities the entire time.

Meanwhile, in the front, a tick mark appeared on Ludwig’s forehead and he clenched his fists. Finally, he roared, “THAT IS ENOUGH!” Gilbert swerved in reaction to Ludwig’s raised voice, and everyone shut up. “From now on, only (Name) and myself have the right to talk. Everyone else must remain silent or I will throw you out of this van!”

“SHUT IT, POTATO-SUCKING BASTARD!” Lovino yelled, then proceeded to push Alfred off of him, you, and Feliciano, and onto the floor. He then flipped Alfred off and turned his back on the rest of you, glowering out the window.

Ludwig rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to say something else, but Gilbert shushed him and rolled down his window. “Guten tag.” He greeted the person in the booth outside the van merrily in German.

The person, who was a female teenager, flashed him a smile and fluttered her eyelashes a bit before saying, “Hey. The cost to park is twenty dollars, but for you, I might just make an exception~”

You peeled your eyes from the rides outside and stared, wide-eyed, at Arthur, Alfred, and Antonio, whom you just so happened to meet gazes with. “Did she just…?” You whispered. Wordlessly, those same three, along with everyone else in the car, nodded. Then, simultaneously, you all broke out into roaring laughter. “THAT’S THE OLDEST LINE IN THE BOOK!” You howled, laughter spilling from your lips.

“WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT!?” Alfred joined in loudly.

Even Feliciano was giggling. “This is why the Italians are the lovers~ We have better pick-up lines!”

The girl sat there, mortified. Gilbert was keseseseses-ing as he shoved the money into her hand and drove off. You were all still cracking up when Gilbert pulled into an open parking space. “I feel a little guilty,” Gilbert sniggered, “but that was pretty bad!” He wiped imaginary tears from his eyes and shut off the engine.

Still chortling, you and the rest got out of the SUV. You stretched when your feet touched the cold asphalt, stomach aching from your previous bout of laughter. As you did so, your friends all snuck to the back of the car and opened the trunk. You watched from the corner of your eye as they started to take out suspicious black trash bags. They were the same trash bags that you’d seen them put in the car this morning when you left. They had refused to tell you what was in them.

Finally, you shook your head slowly and called out, “Do you really think I can’t see you?”

They all froze, and Alfred laughed nervously. “W-Well, no, not really….we just thought you wouldn’t care.”

“But I do. Now that we’re here, will you please tell me what’s in those bags?”

Alfred grinned. “Nope!” He ducked back behind the car and started to heave another bag out of the trunk.

Sighing, you leaned against the driver side’s door and pouted. “Why won’t you tell me?”

“‘Cause it’s a surprise, bro!” Alfred replied, voice a little muffled due to the large bag in his arms that was blocking his face from you.

“….A surprise for me?”

“A surprise for multiple people, including you.” Arthur answered before Alfred could, emerging from behind his younger brother. “And like this git said, we’re not telling you anything.” He began to turn away, then he stopped and glanced back, smirking a bit. “Although I suppose we can reveal to you one secret of ours….” The Brit tapped Antonio on the shoulder without looking, his suspiciously mischievous eyes still locked on you. “Oi, Antonio. Go get the surprise we have in store for (Name)!”

Antonio’s leafy-green eyes filled with confusion. “Qué?”

“The bloody costume, git!”

“Oh! , I’ll do that!” Antonio disappeared for a moment, then came back just as fast with something behind his back. The other men, in seeing this, quickly walked over to watch what was about to happen. “(Name), chica, we came to a unanimous decision a while back that you were going to wear a costume for us. Do you remember?”

“A….costume?” You gulped. “N-No, I don’t remember that.”

“Well we do, quite vividly, in fact.” Arthur smirked again. “And you distinctly said, on October 1st, ‘I don’t care what I wear this year’. So that told us, clearly, that you had no problems with whatever costume we chose for you. And we’ve decided that you’ll be wearing….this.”

Antonio revealed the thing he was hiding behind his back to be, indeed, a costume. A female pirate costume, to be precise. It was comprised of short black shorts, a see-through button-up white shirt, a white jabot with a red ruby pin, high white lace-up boots, and a navy-blue overcoat with red cuffs on the ends. You also saw black gloves, a black captain’s hat with a pure white feather, and a wicked-looking sword with rubies embedded in its hilt.

You looked up into the eager faces of your hormonal friends. “No. Way. In. Hell.”

Arthur ignored you. “And, love, do you remember the conversation we had after that?”

“You better just burn that thing now, because I’m not wearing i—”

“You clearly stated that we could choose, because you did not have a preference. Therefore, you gave us your word.” The blonde chuckled a bit. “Now, you can either change in the SUV by yourself, or we’ll have to forcefully change you ourselves.” He licked his lips, and you took a step back. Your eyes darted from one of your friends to the next. Each one was smiling or smirking in a way that made you want to run and hide.

“H-Hey, that’s funny! Where’s the real costume?”

No response.



“O-Okay, the joke’s over. Where’s the real bloody costume, England?” You used his country name in hopes that would gain his attention, but no one moved.

“Seems like you want to do this the hard way, hm?” Arthur finally said. His emerald eyes glittered, and you backed up another pace, only to impact the car in the parking space beside you. Arthur snapped his fingers, and everyone behind him tensed, ready to charge. You gulped again.


“GET HER!” Alfred yelled, and pounced. Everyone followed his lead and sprinted at you, even Feliciano, who hated running. He was giggling the entire time, while Lovino cursed.

“C’mere ragazza! Dammit, just wear the fucking costume!”

You turned and ran as fast as you legs could allow, knowing if they caught you, you’d be forced into that damn costume. You thanked Gilbert for parking close to the entrance, and you gave yourself a mental pat on the back because you had grabbed your season pass before you fled. It would suck if you got to the entrance, only to be turned away because you didn’t have a ticket or pass in. You had just neared the metal detectors when someone grabbed your waist and yanked you to the side, over by the fountain and the six towering flags. “L-Let go of me! I’m not wearing that damn—!”

“Shhh, bella, do you want them to hear us?”

You froze and your eyes widened. “Luciano?”

Ciao, (Name). Fancy meeting you here.”

“Me? What are you doing here, Luciano? This is Six Flags, not a mafia headquarters.” You noticed people staring and added, “Would you mind letting go? It looks like you’re kidnapping me.”

“Ah, but I like having you so close….” He pulled you closer and breathed into your ear, “See? Now it looks like we’re lovers.”

You rolled your eyes and freed yourself from his grasp. “No. Just….no.” You turned your back to him and asked, “But seriously, what are you doing here?”

“You don’t know? It’s the First-vs-Second-Players Scare Competition, like we have every year.” Luciano frowned for a moment, then he grinned. “Ah, I see….this is why you’re never here to watch.” He suddenly grabbed you by the waist again and threw you over his shoulder. “Well….this’ll make things more interesting!” He chuckled and began to run, ignoring your fists on his back. He darted toward the trees, smirking as someone yelled after him to wait. “Things just got a lot more fun.”


The Axis and Allies were now standing at the inner courtyard of the entrance, just past where they scan your tickets or season passes. There weren’t that many people here, surprisingly, just the occasional teenage couple or high school group that would wander through. But that just proved to be more frustrating, as it should’ve been that much easier to find (Name). But no, she had just disappeared from their sights.

“Damn,” Arthur hissed, now the one clutching the pirate costume.

“Aiyah! What do we do, aru?” Yao asked, frowning. “Měilì couldn’t have gone far.”

“We’re going to have to hunt her down,” Ludwig announced, frowning. “(Name) seems to have disappeared entirely. She could be anywhere, so keep your eyes—”

“—On me, gentlemen!” Someone interrupted sweetly.

Since they were once more alone in the courtyard, the voice was quite prominent and Arthur was able to tell who it was. “Bloody hell, you aren’t supposed to be here until six!” He spun around and scowled at his twin, who was perched elegantly on top of a gargoyle in the center of another fountain, legs crossed.

Oliver, who was dressed as what seemed to be a disturbing version of the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland, grinned like the Cheshire Cat. Speaking of which, that exact same cat was sitting on Oliver’s shoulder, claws digging into the Englishman’s overcoat. The morbid cat flicked its tail and smiled just like its master. It was something straight out of a nightmare; or more accurately, a horror game that Oliver was quite fond of.  

Oliver raised an eyebrow at Arthur. “But what would be the fun in that?” He snapped his fingers and a cup of tea appeared in his hands. He sipped from it slowly and added, “Come now, Artie, don’t you want to play with us? Perhaps you’ll finally win this year!”

“Don’t bloody call me that!”

“Oh, don’t be such a downer! Have some fun, you old man!” Oliver snapped his fingers again and the teacup vanished. He then jumped to his feet and took off his large Mad Hatter’s hat, bowing low. His laughing blue eyes flickered up to stare into Arthur’s. “My fellow countries, Luciano Vargas proposes a new twist to this annual game! As always, we will be scaring the living daylights out of each other, but there shall now be more than money and pride tied up in this competition of ours!”

“Oh? And what else is there?” Antonio raised an eyebrow.

“Simply something Luciano found wandering the park! Our lovely friend (Name) (Surname)!” Oliver struck a dramatic pose and as if right on cue, lightning flashed and thunder boomed. Everyone jumped, as no one had been aware of the approaching storm until now. The Second Player then clapped his hands, and with a small poof sound, (Name) appeared beside him in a puff of pink and blue smoke, balanced precariously on the gargoyle as well. She had an iron collar around her neck with a chain attached to that, which Oliver now grasped in his left hand. She was wearing a….a very sexy revealing devil-themed costume.

“Say hello to your friends, (Name)~!” Oliver sang.

The others gave a collective gasp while (Name) just scowled at him. “Get me out of this fucking thing!” She snapped.

Oliver’s grin faltered. “Language, poppet!” He said sharply, and gave a quick tug on the chain. She lurched forward with a strangled shriek and nearly fell off of the fountain. Oliver caught her by the skimpy red straps on her right shoulder and tugged her back into place. “That’s better. Now, First Players….you have to defeat us in the Scare Competition of 2014 if you want to win (Name) back! The rules are this: you have to visit the various rides and games around the park and scare each one of the Second Players you encounter at each attraction! Plus, Luciano and I may or may have not stocked the entire park with assorted ghouls and monsters and other nasties I conjured up and/or stole from one of Ivan’s experimental labs! Oh, and if you don’t scare each and every one of us before midnight, the Second Players win and (Name) belongs to us! And remember, no killing or maiming allowed!”  

“No way in bloody hell are we agreeing to that, Oliver!” Arthur shouted. “Release (Name) back to us before I lose my sodding temper and kill you!”

Oliver sighed. “Come now, Arthur, don’t you think you could be a little less vulgar?” He shrugged and turned to look at (Name). “How do you deal with these pathetic nations, my little cupcake?”

“Don’t call me that, dammit!” Her (e/c) eyes blazed with fury.

Oliver brushed a lock of strawberry-blond hair out of his eyes and frowned a bit. “So much cursing! I suppose we’ll have to fix that when you come to live with the Second Players! Ah, well, ta-ta everyone!” He gave a small wave, twirled around on one foot, and was gone again as a crash of thunder echoed through the nearly-empty park.

“(NAME)!” Everyone screamed as the girl disappeared along with Oliver.


There was a thick silence that fell over the group for a minute, until Gilbert broke it when he said, “Wow. You’ve got to admit that the Second Players know where to find the best costumes. (Name) looked fucking sexy.”

Eleven heads whipped around in Gilbert’s direction and roared, “GILBERT!”


As soon as your surroundings disappeared, you started to curse at Oliver as loudly as you could, fury evident in your expression. You noted somewhere in the back of your mind that you both had appeared in the Batman Ride’s warehouse, beside the second set of cars hanging from the track. You couldn’t really care less at that point, however, as you were too busy screaming at the Second Player of England.


He chuckled. “But then you’d be committing suicide, poppet.” You were taken aback long enough for Oliver to shove a gag into your mouth that tasted like one of his famous cupcakes. “Now, cuppycake, I would appreciate it if you keep your mouth shut during this competition. It’s going to be difficult to scare those silly First Players if you’re shouting and moving about—” He cut himself off suddenly, and a grin turned up the corners of his lips again. “Or….” He spun around and traced a hand down your cheek, stopping at the very edge of your lips. “….would you like to help me, poppet? I’ve got an idea that will send those fools screaming.”

You shook your head frantically, mentally swearing at the gag in your mouth. DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT DAMN IT—!


You jumped fifty feet in the air, while Oliver seemed unsurprised and turned around. “Can I help you, Luciano?” He asked calmly, removing his hand from your face.

Luciano opened his mouth to speak, then shut it when his eyes landed on you. “Che diavolo is she wearing?” He asked slowly.

“Just something Allen found in the back of his closet,” Oliver answered dismissively. “Must have been left behind by one of his previous one-night….erm….lovers.”

Luciano subconsciously licked his lips, and you hissed at him, “Don’t you fucking dare.”

“Don’t I dare what, bella? Touch you? Hold you? ….Love you?” A devilish grin overtook his features, and Luciano took a step forward. “Ah, I see, you don’t want me to caress you like this…?” His hand stroked your face lightly, then traced down to your chin. He grabbed hold of the chain that was attached to the iron collar around your neck and yanked you forward. He started to kiss along your jawline, then pressed his lips to your collarbone before working his way back up to your lips.

Oliver cleared his throat at that moment, and Luciano pulled away abruptly to snap, “Che cosa, dammit!?”

“We have a competition to win, Luciano. And unless you want the First Players to actually defeat us at our own game, then I suggest you release (Name) and start scaring.” Oliver’s sky-blue eyes narrowed, and he smiled a little. “Besides, when do you ever miss an opportunity to pounce on poor, unsuspecting Feliciano?”

Luciano’s snarl faltered. “You have me there, but….the bella’s still coming with me.” The Italian flashed Oliver a grin before seizing you by the waist and vanishing into the shadows, the darkness curling around the brunette’s form.

Oliver sighed and shook his head before turning his head to glance at his cat, which was toying with a rat on the floor. The animal suddenly swiped downward with his jaggedly-clawed paw and impaled the rat with his dagger-like nails. “What do you think, Cheshire? Will that man ever learn?”

“I doubt it,” Cheshire responded in a low purr. “He’s just as foolish as Alice.”


“Okay dudes, I say we should split up! That way, we can cover more ground and scare those Second Players as fast as possible. We need to get (Name) back as soon as we can.” Alfred made a fist and scowled toward the fountain where they had last seen Oliver and (Name).

“Good idea, Alfred!” Arthur nodded and added, “There are twelve of us total. We need to divide up into teams of two.” His eyes darted around and he muttered, “The scariest with the least scary, then….” He eventually came to a conclusion. “All right, you lot, we’ll do it like this: Kiku with Lovino, Ivan with Matthew, Yao with Ludwig, Antonio with Francis, Gilbert with Alfred, and myself with Feliciano. As soon as you scare two Second Players, meet up here. Any questions?”

Oui. Why do you get to pick the teams!?” Francis frowned.

“Because I’m the bloody best at Halloween!” Arthur snapped back. “Now let’s go! (Name) is counting on us!” He marched over to Feliciano, grabbed his arm, and dragged him toward Batman, grinning evilly. Nothing like a good scaring match…. He ignored Feliciano’s cries for Ludwig and continued on his way, chuckling quietly the entire time.

“Let the games begin!”


“I have the perfect idea!” Gilbert announced, grinning.

“What is it?” Alfred asked, bored. They were making their way toward American Thunder, one of the older wooden roller coasters in the park, and there wasn’t a single scary thing in sight. All the American could see was cotton spider webs and huge, obviously fake spiders embedded within those same webs.

“What if we reenact one of the scariest myths out there, but combine it with one of your twisted American horror movies! Like stuff from that one guy….Tim Burton, right?”

Alfred’s expression brightened and he smirked. “I like the way you think, Beilschmidt. This is why we make up two-thirds of the Awesome Trio.”

Ja, but anyway, (Name) told me about this really freaky thing called the Donec Cutem from her country. Ever heard of it?”

“….No, actually. But whatever it is, let’s use it! It sounds freaky enough!”


Allen paced back and forth at the American Thunder’s very top, scowling at the chill in the air and the rain that was on the horizon. “Dammit, Giland!” He cursed quietly. “I thought you said they were coming!”

“They are! Just have a little patience!” Giland snapped back in his melancholy tone, keeping his voice low.

Suddenly, the ride screeched to life and both men jumped in surprise before meeting gazes. Both smirked slightly, preparing for the moment when Alfred and Gilbert would come to the top of the hill. Allen slipped on his hockey mask and raised his (real) chainsaw, a grin twisting his lips. Giland undid his ponytail and pulled the banshee mask down over his face as well, cracking his knuckles as he waited to pounce. The roller coaster’s cars could be heard coming up the hill, and both tensed. The first car appeared, then the second and third, then the fourth and fifth, the sixth, the seventh, and finally, the eighth. But there was no one in any of the cars. Both Second Players had just enough time to look at each other in confusion before someone….something….suddenly grasped Allen’s shoulder.

“yOU tOoK mY SkiN, dIDn’T YoU, aLlEn? wHeRE iS mY fLeSH!?”

Allen lurched away and spun around, snarling as he raised the chainsaw. He froze in place when his eyes landed on a….a…. “WH-WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?” He scrambled backward, crashing into Giland as he did so, who was paralyzed as well. “M-MOVE, FUCK-FACE!” He stumbled back again, nearly falling over the side of the tracks, forgetting about his huge-ass weapon.

“i NeEd mY sKIn, aLLeN! wHat’S a cOrpSe wItHouT iT’s FLesH!? diD yOu eAt iT!? i LikE tO EAt mEaT, tOo. dO yoU wAnT mE tO fOrCe-fEeD YoU mY sKiN…?”

The walking nightmare lifted its rotting arm, peeled a piece of muscle from it, and offered it to Allen. “I’m a fucking vegetarian! G-Get away from me! H-HOLY SHIT DON’T FUCKING T-TOUCH ME!” Allen’s voice cracked as he staggered away from the….the thing’s outstretched, flayed hand. He accidentally dropped his chainsaw over the side and cursed, “SHIT!” Without another thought, he seized Giland by the arm and fled down the tracks, never looking back.  

As soon as the two Second Players disappeared, the so-called “thing” laughed obnoxiously and announced, “HAHAHAHAHA! POINT ONE TO THE HERO!” Alfred pulled the mask of the costume off, beaming after the retreating forms of Allen and Giland. Gilbert clambered up the hill, howling with laughter.

“Those dummkopfs didn’t know what hit them! Two down, ten to go! Let’s get to the central square and wait for everyone else!”





Second Players:

Xiao Yin



“Where the hell did all the Second Players go!?” Lovino growled softly, glaring up at the Ferris wheel with his arms crossed. “I don’t want to have to hunt them down, dammit!”

Kiku sighed, glancing to the right to look at the Italian. “Lovino-san, please. There should be two of them over here. Oliver did say that there would be Second Players at each ride or game.”

“Well I want to scare someone, dammit!” Lovino snarled, clenching his fists. “Which ride are we going to!?”

“I’d say Colossus, since it is right here.” Kiku sighed again, inwardly wishing he had been paired up with someone less temperamental. He peered into the trash bag they had brought along with them that contained his costume, along with several of Lovino’s guns. “Are you sure this is going to work, Lovino?”

“Luciano, the bastard, didn’t tell Oliver that we weren’t allowed to use guns, so that’s what we’re fucking doing!” Lovino reached into the trash bag and seized one of the guns, smiling a little too widely for Kiku’s liking.

“Ah….all right.” Kiku took a step back, then froze as his eyes landed on something. He narrowed them and squinted at the Ferris wheel’s base, then quickly nudged Lovino. “Lovino….there’s someone over there.”

Lovino grinned. “Bene….let’s have some fun.”


Flavio rested his head against the base of Colossus’ huge supporting pillars and scowled at the ground. “Why does Luci always make me come to this unfabulous competition? He knows I hate it!” He was about to stand to go find Kuro, whom he was partnered with, when the crunching of leaves made him freeze in his tracks. “Wh-Who’s there!?” He squeaked, backing up.

Ciao, Flavio~” Lovino emerged from behind one of the bushes that dotted the landscape. He was holding a gun in each hand. The elder of the Vargas brothers raised the gun and pointed it at Flavio, a disturbing grin on his face. “Run,” he whispered.

“HYEEEEEEK! LUCI! KURO! HEEEEEEELP!” Flavio sprinted away, shrieking again when he heard the sound of gunshots and Lovino’s laughter. “GO AWAAAAAAY, LOVIIIII!” He dove behind the mechanism of the ride (where he knew Kuro was kneeling) and latched onto the Japanese man with a death grip. “SAAAAVE MEEEEE! LOVI’S GONE INSAAAAAANE! HE’S GOING TO SHOOT THE FABULOUS MEEEEEEEE!”

“Let go of me!” Kuro hissed, smacking the Italian’s hands.

“FOUND YOU!” Lovino sprang around the corner and aimed both guns right between both countries’ eyes. He laughed and was about to press down on the trigger when Kuro jumped to his feet and dragged Flavio out of the way.

“I’d let you die, but Luciano would kill me,” he muttered, then drew one of his katanas and started forward, intending to take care of Lovino. But before he could, something grabbed his wrist. He spun around wielding his sword, then choked and stumbled back. He had just laid his crimson eyes on the one thing he only ever truly feared. A girl with stringy, limp, jet-black hair, wearing a ragged, torn vermillion dress, stared at him with black, soulless eyes, her grey, bony fingers wound tightly around a pair of bloody, rusty scissors.

“Sachi is my pride and joy.”

“No….” Kuro scrambled backward, yanking Flavio with him.

“Sachi is my pride and joy.”

Kuro seized the hilt of his katana and pointed it at the girl, his arm shaking.

“sAcHiKo iS mY pRidE anD jOy, kUrO!”

Kuro dropped the katana, staggered to his feet, and dashed away, pulling Flavio with him and running away as fast as humanly possible. His eyes were still wide with fear and his mouth was dry. He let out a tiny sob as he disappeared around the corner, heading for the exit to the park.

Kiku took off the wig and watched Kuro go with a small satisfactory grin on his face, while Lovino fired a quick round of bullets after their retreating figures.


Kiku’s smile faded and he sighed for the third time. The man began to walk in the direction of the agreed meeting place. “Let’s just go and meet up with everyone else.”





Second Players:

Xiao Yin



“So, what do you suggest we do, amigo?” Antonio asked as they stood outside the entrance to Mr. Freeze. Before Francis could reply, they heard a few gunshots in the distance, along with some screams and yells, and Antonio chuckled. “It sounds as though Lovi and Kiku were successful, ?”

Oui,” Francis responded, tilting his head a bit. “But we should focus, mon ami. What do you think we should do? There’s so many things we could do to scare the Second Players.”

A wicked smile came across Antonio’s face. “How about we mix it up a little, ah, Francis? I was thinking we would use La Ciguapa and one of your more terrifying attractions….the Catacombs of Paris?”

Francis nodded slowly. “You mean Ossuaire Municipal? But how would we do that?”

“A little magica that (Name) taught me,” Antonio answered, slipping his hand into his pocket. He pulled out a small black velvet pouch. “She lent me some….er….ah, I remember! This is apparently ‘pixie dust’ from Arthur’s ‘fairy friends’. At first I didn’t believe her, but I tried it on one of my tomatoes to make it bigger, and just like that, it grew!”

Francis smirked. “Well, if you think this will work, then let’s try it!”


Alejandro was sitting on top of one of the Mr. Freeze cars, yawning with boredom. “Where the hell are the First Players?” He grumbled, scowling at Francois, who was smoking in the corner.

The blonde shrugged, obviously disinterested. “We scare them when they get here. Be patient, would you? Your complaining is irritating me.”

Alejandro grit his teeth and crossed his arms, shifting around in his impatience. “We’ve been waiting here for at least an hour!” He burst out, narrowing his eyes at the entrance. “When the hell are they—!?” He cut himself off as the sound of footsteps reached his ears. “—Nevermind. Get in position, Francois. Let’s give them a scare.” Alejandro ducked behind the roller coaster cars and closed his eyes, grinning. But after a minute, the footprints stopped. Frowning, he opened his eyes, only to gasp at the realization that….he wasn’t in Mr. Freeze’s building anymore. “What the—!?”

Francois seemed to notice as well, because French cursing was heard. “What the hell!? Where the hell are we!?”

Hola….are you lost...?”

Alejandro whipped his head up and laid eyes on the most disgusting thing he’d ever seen. “¿¡Qué demonios!?” He shouted. “Francois, what the fuck is that!?”

“I don’t know!” Francois shrieked back, voice cracking.

“I like lost things….they make good meals.”

“Its feet are fucking backward!” Alejandro yelled, scrambling to get away. It was true; the toes were pointing behind the monster instead of forward.

“What do you want me to do about it!?” Francois yelped as it reached out to him.

“French? I smell French meat….fresh meat….I don’t get much down here in the Ossuaire Municipal.”

“The Catacombs!?” Francois gulped, and his head slowly turned back and forth as he realized that’s just where they were. “Baise! We’re in the Catacombs!” He backtracked, only to slam into a wall. He spun around and came face-to-face with several skulls that seemed to be….fresh.

Alejandro flinched as the thing shambled toward him.

“Spanish too….I’m of Latin origin….I like Spanish meat the most….”

“THAT’S IT!” Alejandro dashed over to Francois, seized his wrist, and sprinted toward where the exit in the Mr. Freeze building had been. To his immense relief, it was still there. He ripped the door open and ran out, screaming, “LA CIGUAPA!”

Antonio flipped the wig’s hair over his shoulder and winked. “Now that’s what I call a good scare!”

Francis was ohonhonhon-ing when he stepped out from around the corner of the hallway that led to the entrance. “We win! Let’s see Angleterre use his own magic that well!”

Antonio chuckled before pointing in the direction of the courtyard with the fountain. “To the courtyard~!”





Second Players:

Xiao Yin



When Francis and Antonio reached the square, only Alfred, Gilbert, Kiku, and Lovino were there. Francis came to a stop beside Alfred and asked, “Where are the rest?

Alfred frowned. “Ludwig called me a second ago and said Luciano, Lutz, and Xiao Yin knocked him and Yao out an hour ago up by the American Eagle. But I don’t blame them for getting scared; Luciano comes up with some freaky shit. Apparently, he actually tricked them into thinking they witnessed Feliciano, (Name), and Kiku’s deaths, which totally freaked Yao and Ludwig out, and then Lutz and Xiao Yin were able to successfully get them to flee for their own lives.”

Gilbert scowled. “Luciano’s going down for that.”

“And what about Ivan and Matthew?” Concern was laced through Francis’ tone.

“Not sure,” Alfred responded, looking equally uneasy. “But I’m sure they’re fine. Ivan doesn’t get scared by anything—”

“—Unless his sisters were in danger~” Someone giggled, and the six in the square jumped.

Alfred growled and yelled, “Oliver, you better fucking tell us what happened!”

The strawberry-blonde appeared standing on top of one of the stores that sold merchandise and let out another obnoxious giggle. “Well, my good gentlemen, Alexander pretended to torture Ivan’s sisters right in front of him, and Matthieu faked Kumajirou and (Name)’s deaths while Matthew was forced to watch in helplessness~! That scared them both real good! Might have traumatized them, now that I think about it!”

“BASTARD, I’LL KILL YOU!” Alfred shouted, and went to charge at Oliver, but Francis held him back.

“What about Arthur and Feliciano?” Francis grunted out while struggling to restrain Alfred.

“Ah, well, their fates are unknown to me as of right now, but Luciano and I will be teaming up to scare them in a little bit! So you should pray for them and wish them luck, because I’ve been told the two of us have the sickest, most insane minds of all the Second Players~!” Oliver chuckled and gave a small wave. “Oh, and be wary, because I’m sending the remaining Second Players after you!” And with that comforting sentence, Oliver disappeared exactly when a clap of thunder shook the park.

“Damn!” Alfred freed himself from Francis’ grasp and punched the wall of the store whose roof Oliver had just been perched on top of. “What if they win!? They’ll take (Name) with them back to wherever the hell they come from!”

“We’re just going to have to hope Arthur and Feliciano can beat Oliver and Luciano at their own game,” Francis said grimly.

“Uh, guys….?” Gilbert gulped. “Something tells me that those Second Players Oliver was talking about are coming this way!”

“What makes you say th—?” Lovino’s question died on his tongue when he turned around. Behind their group was a rather disturbing….man…. creature….monster.

Antonio made a strange squeak noise and backpedaled into Francis. “I-Is that some sort of a zombie!?”

“F-Fuck! That’s something straight out of one of my urban legends!” Alfred stammered, also backing up a pace. “Th-That’s one of the guys from the Russian Sleep Experiment story! RUN! HE’LL EAT YOU ALIVE!”

“I must remain awake, Alfred. I must remain awake.”

Alfred’s eyes widened and he stumbled a bit. “H-He’s quoting the exact story! Wh-What the hell!? H-HOW DOES HE KNOW MY NAME!?”

“Keep cutting. Keep cutting. Keep cutting.”

“I-It’s not real, Alfred! Calm down!” Kiku tried to catch Alfred’s hand, but the American smacked his arm away and scrambled back, eyeing the exit. “Alfred, you can’t leave! We’ll lose (Name) for good!”

“So….nearly….free. So….nearly….free.”

Alfred stiffened, then turned and sprinted toward the exit. Before he could reach it, Lovino, whom was the farthest away from the monster and the closest to Alfred, tackled him to the ground and slapped the American across the face. “Listen, idioto!” He shouted, “(Name) could be trapped with the Second Players forever if you don’t get a grip! Snap out of it!”

Alfred blinked rapidly and suddenly sat up. “L-Look, man,” he said shakily, “th-those things are straight o-out of my nightmares! L-Let me go!”

Lovino snarled, “Well (Name) is more important! Be the Hero, like you always say you are, dammit!”

Alfred stopped struggling and stared at Lovino before he swallowed and muttered, “Fine.”





Second Players:

Xiao Yin



Arthur squinted into the darkness, a frown on his face. I can’t see anything….what happened to the red lights that are always in here…? He climbed the stairs a little more carefully, keeping a firm grip on Feliciano’s hand, knowing if he slackened in the slightest, the Italian would go running.

“P-Please let me go, Inghilterra!” The younger man was blubbering. “I-I-I’ll never ask Ludwig to beat you up again! I’ll even eat your cooking! Just don’t make me see Luciano! He’s scary!”

“Shut the bloody hell up, would you!?” Arthur finally snapped, glaring at where he thought Feliciano’s face might be. “Do you want Luciano and Oliver to hear you!?”

“But I—!” Feliciano suddenly fell silent, and Arthur felt the man’s grip on his hand tighten.

“Feliciano, what the bloody hell is wrong with you!?”

“….Nothing, ve~” Came the delayed response, and Arthur’s eyes narrowed.

He slipped his wand from out of his pocket silently, then said, “Lumos!” The tip of the wand glowed a brilliant white, and Arthur turned to see the gleaming edge of a knife coming toward his throat. He released Feliciano’s hand and quickly dodged the swipe, frowning. He pointed his wand in the knife’s general direction and shouted, “Adustum!” A burst of fire was shot in its direction, flames licking at the weapon. The fire shed light on the wielder of the knife as well, and Arthur smirked when he saw Luciano, whose expression was furious.

“Dammit, Kirkland! You nearly set my uniform on fire!”

“My apologies,” said Arthur, bowing mockingly.

Luciano growled and raised his knife. “I will kill you slowly.”

Arthur raised an eyebrow. “I thought this was a scare competition, not a murder fest? Although from what my friends have told me, your Second Players have attempted to wound or murder my fellow countries each time they were scared.”

Luciano hissed, “When!?”

“Well, let’s see….” Arthur began to slowly walk backward up the stairs as he pointed out, “Allen had a real chainsaw, from what Alfred tells me, Kuro had his katanas, and Alejandro apparently had a concealed gun.”

Luciano rolled his crimson-violet eyes. “And Lovino also had a gun. Two. And if I recall correctly, he actually used them, while my Second Players did not.”

Arthur was nearing the first step when a voice behind him purred, “Now where do you think you’re going~?” He whipped around and came face to face with Oliver’s damn cat, Cheshire. “My master’s waiting upstairs, Arthur Kirkland, along with (Name). I suggest you meet with him up there, instead of fleeing like the coward you are.”

Luciano chuckled and added, “Besides, I have Feliciano captive, now.” He pointed off to the side, where Feliciano was seen, bound and gagged. He had tears in his honey-coloured eyes. Luciano seized the younger Italian by his collar and started to drag him toward the stairs.

Arthur cursed under his breath and spat, “Fine.” He began to walk up the stairs as well, toward where the actual Batman ride was located. He stiffened when his phone vibrated in his pocket. He pulled it out and answered, “What?” as quietly as possible.

It was Francis. “Angleterre, we’ve been beaten by the remaining Second Players. I’m sorry but you’re on your—”

“It doesn’t matter! Listen, the Second Players have gone and bloody made the Scare Competition into a life-or-death thing! You have to come to the Batman Ride and help me rescue (Name) and Feliciano. Hurry, before they—!” Arthur suddenly received a blow to the head, which made his vision blur and his fingers drop the cell phone.

Luciano walked over to the object and crushed it easily under his foot. “Ah, ah, ah, Arthur~ No cheating, now!”

“This doesn’t feel like a bloody game anymore!” Arthur snapped, rubbing his head and snarling at the Italian.

“It never really was,” Luciano retorted, “once I caught (Name) wandering around the park, I decided it was going to be a little more….exciting.” He grinned at the thought, then smiled even more when they turned a corner and the ride’s entrance came into view. Luciano lifted Feliciano up by his collar and threw him into the room that housed the roller coaster cars, smirking when Feliciano cried out. Luciano then faced Arthur and pointed over to the other side of the room. “(Name) and Oliver are over there.”

Arthur turned his head and saw the two. Oliver had (Name) chained to the wall somehow, while he sat cross-legged beside her. His bloody cat bounded over to Oliver and sat down beside him, smirking at Arthur.

“Damn cat….” Arthur growled.

Luciano stode in and gestured to the two on the ground, then to Feliciano. “So, Kirkland, since you’re the last First Player left, what do you want to say before I kill you and little Feli over there?”

“Fuck you,” Arthur snarled.

“That’s it? Well, all right.” Luciano raised his knife and started to walk forward, a sick grin turning up the corners of his mouth. Before he could get too far, however, someone charged in yelling,


“What the fu—!?” Luciano couldn’t finish his sentence, as he was being tackled by an American. After Alfred came several more of the First Players, and Arthur breathed a sigh of relief. Francis quickly went over to Feliciano with Lovino and Antonio and the three of them quickly began to undo the ropes tying the poor country up.

Meanwhile, Arthur, seeing that Luciano was occupied, dashed over to Oliver, who was now looking quite pissed. “Why can’t you just let us have her without a fight!?” Oliver snapped, pulling out his wand.

“I AM NOT AN OBJECT!” (Name) screamed, also looking pretty pissed. She kicked out with a leg, which caught Oliver by surprise and brought him crashing down to the ground.

Arthur took that as an opportunity to cast a spell on the chains binding (Name). They shattered and she shot to her feet, eyes blazing with fury. Before she could kill Oliver, however, Arthur seized her hand and called, “Let’s go!” before sprinting out the emergency exit. The other First Players followed suit, leaving Luciano on the floor, groaning, and Oliver off to the side, still dazed.


“—And that is why we no longer host the Scare Competition at Six Flags between the First and Second Players,” you finished. You sat back against the cushioned chair in your chilly backyard and took a long, drawn-out sip of your hot chocolate before adding, “because Luciano is an insane lunatic and Oliver is a nut-job.”

“Wow,” Elizabeta said, chuckling. “I’m glad Gilbert didn’t invite me, then.”

“Me too,” Emma chimed in.

“And these idiots took forever to rescue me, too!” You complained.

“Hey!” The Axis and Allies, who were scattered around your yard doing various things like setting up Halloween decorations for this year, all turned to look at you with varying offended expressions.

Arthur, who was sitting beside you, frowned and snapped, “I saved your sorry arse! You could bloody be a little more grateful!”

“Oh? And what can I do to repay you, my knight in shining armor?” You retorted sarcastically.

Arthur’s expression darkened and his eyes became alight with mischief. “You know, love, we never did get you into that costume….”

You gulped as everyone in the yard turned to look at you. “Shit.”

Happy Halloween, everyone!

I thought I’d tackle one of my themes and submit a Halloween fanfic at the same time! 
Two birds with one stone, y’know? And I actually
submitted it on Halloween, like I wanted, so kudos to me! But UGHRHGR this was so rushed!  >~<  I know it's really sloppy, but I needed to
finish it before Halloween, so....

If you don’t know, Fright Fest is an event hosted by Six Flags. I’m visiting Saint Louis to see some extended family members this weekend,
and my cousins wanted to take me to their Six Flags. Dude, I’ve never had so much fun! 
I had a day today off from school due to some
teacher crap (WHY WE NO HAVE FALL BREAK) so we went then. It was pretty hella crowded, but we still managed to ride like, everything!
And I’m aware at St. Louis’ Six Flags, the park opens at 6:00 for Fright Fest, but in this fic, we’re pretending it opens at like,
10:00 in the morning. ‘Cause why not?

Who’s played Alice: The Madness Returns? 
Cause the Cheshire Cat in that horror game is what Oliver’s looks like. It looks like this: [Link] 

150 Theme X-Reader Challenge: [Link]

The various horror legends I used in this story do not belong to me.
The only one that does is the Donec Cutem monster. I made that up.
(The name is "Skin Spinner" in Latin)
Plot belongs to me~
Picture belongs to its respective owner.
Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya.
I do not own Alice the Madness Returns.
You belong to various sexy Hetalians~      

 England (Hawt Bodeh) [V2] APH America: Sparkle GlassesCanada and kumajiro China (Happy) [V3]France (Denies) [V1] Russia (Curse) [V2]  Germany (Shy) [V5] Spain (Happy Cashier) [V3]  APH Prussia: Sparkles Romano Mocks [V2]  North Italy Talking Icon Hetalia Japan (Shaking Head) 

Fright Fest 2014 (1p! X Reader X 2p!Hetalia) - Copyright xXSilveretteRoseXx.
not reproduce, copy/paste, or use any other method of replication on this fic without immediate permission from myself.
Do not re-upload, publish, or submit this work on any other site without immediate permission from myself.
If I find that my work has been plagiarized, I will not hesitate to report you.

Don’t just favourite and run! Comments appreciated!

© 2014 - 2024 xXSilveretteRoseXx
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DSinger6's avatar
That costume better be tailor-made, because there's no way they're fitting all 230 pounds of me into a store-bought costume.